Thursday, August 19, 2010

1. An old cliché but one which holds great truth – ALWAYS trade in the direction of the trend. In the Forex markets we see great trends in currency pairs that last for a long time (cycles). Therefore, it pays to identify the dominant trend of currency pairs. Going against the trend will only cost you a lot of money and destabilise you emotionally.
2. Plan your trade, trade your plan. Trade plans can be made well in advance in the Forex market and help eliminate emotional trading. The more mechanical you become in entering and exiting trades, the more profitable and consistent you will become in the long run.
3. Before initiating any trade, always know your risk and truly accept this risk. The risk is defined as the number of pips from your entry to your stop loss.
4. Always, use a stop loss after initiating a trade. Placing a stop loss does not essentially mean that you are expecting to experience a losing trade but will help minimize losses against unforeseen market circumstances caused by unforeseen events such as terrorist attacks, geopolitical events etc.
5. After initiating a trade, a trader must have clear trade management guidelines for that trade. Trade management means that the trader knows in advance when and where he or she will move the stop loss and when to scale out of part of the trade and eventually where to take profits.
6. Whilst trading Forex, it is imperative for a trader to know the characteristics of the currency pairs he or she likes to trade. A way of achieving this is by looking at the past behaviour of the currency pairs in order to ascertain key characteristics such as: a) how well does the pair trend? b) which economic events influence the pair? c) what is the Average Daily Range of the pair? etc.
7. Always keep in mind that the Forex market presents the trader with a constant stream of opportunities, therefore, if the trader experiences more than 2-3 consecutive losses, stopping to trade for a period of time is advisable. This will give the trader time to refocus and examine mistakes and prepare psychologically to re-enter the market again.
8. Trade to profit and not just to trade. Many traders think that because they might sit in front of a trade station for a period of time it is logical that they should be trading constantly. A trader should only initiate trades once all the odds are stacked in his favour and he has an edge. Then and only then can trade be initiated. Patience and discipline is an integral part of successful and consistent trading and are traits that a trader must endeavour to possess.
9. All successful traders have a trading diary that contains all the trades good or bad they have ever initiated. This gives traders the opportunity to constantly evaluate their performance and rectify any identified mistakes.
10. All successful traders are constantly learning and evolving. Just when you think you know it all about trading, a new curveball gets thrown your way. Furthermore, as time passes by, new methods of making money are developed and need to be learned about.
Steady trading prospects

Along with these major advantages, the Forex market also has some other merits such as, Forex trading gives its traders, an opportunity to bigger profits as returns on their invested money. Also, since the market is open 24 hours a day, 5.5 days a week, it gives the investors can make their deals anytime they want to.
With such superior speed of the market, and fine liquidity, even the largest of transactions are conducted within a few seconds. You can study the Advantages and Disadvantages of Forex Trading as well on our website.
High levels of liquidity

This liquidity mainly comes from the banks which offer cash flow to companies, investors and market players.
24 hour trading

Investors can arrange the transaction time according to their own habits. This is one of the reasons why so many white-collar workers choose Forex. At the same time, more and more people began to exploit the stock market closed time to trade in foreign exchange, spread its investment risk as an effective channel.
Whatever time of day you trade, we are here to provide support. You can reach our knowledgeable representatives 24 hours a day from Monday morning through to Saturday morning (Hong Kong Time) by phone, email.
Forex is bringing high-profit leverage

Suppose on the other hand, that this investor took his $1000 and opened a Forex account. Now the game changes. Unlike stocks and bonds, Forex is not regulated by a governing body, meaning there are no limits as to how much leverage can be used. Let's say the investor takes his $1000 in a Forex account and buys one or more currency pairs. The broker will then offer the investor to loan him up to several hundred times the value of the brokers account. This means that the investor can leverage his account 100:1, 200:1 even up to 400:1. This essentially means, that for an initial deposit of $1000, he can now trade for $100,000 and even more.
How's that for leverage? It's easy to see why Forex trading is so tempting. You can never lose more than the money in your account though. That means you get all the opportunity for leveraged profits, but only risk losing the unleveraged amount in your account.
Largest market in Worldwide!

Of the $3.98 trillion daily global turnover, trading in London accounted for around $1.36 trillion, or 34.1% of the total, making London by far the global center for foreign exchange. In second and third places respectively, trading in New York accounted for 16.6%, and Tokyo accounted for 6.0%.In addition to "traditional" turnover, $2.1 trillion was traded in derivatives.
Is it that simple?

So, what is a market? Simple: it's a place where goods are traded. The forex is no different, but with one little twist: the goods traded on the forex are national currencies. For example, on the forex you might pay in American dollars and buy some Canadian dollars. Or, you could sell your euros for Japanese yen. There is nothing more to it than that.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Six Steps To A Great Business Plan

1. Write out your basic business concept.
2. Gather all the data you can on the feasibility and the specifics of your business concept.
3. Focus and refine your concept based on the data you have compiled.
4. Outline the specifics of your business. Using a "what, where, why, how" approach might be useful.
5. Put your plan into a compelling form so that it will not only give you insights and focus but, at the same time, will become a valuable tool in dealing with business relationships that will be very important to you.
6. Review the sample plans we furnish and download the blank format to a MS Word document. Fill this in as you progress though the course.
Outline of Business Plan

The marketing plan is only one part of your overall plan or your business plan.
A business plan can be used for a few key reasons:
1. to state your objectives so that you have a clear picture of where you want your business to go
2. to be used as a financial proposal
Provided directly below, you will find a sample outline for a business plan. You can see how your marketing plan would fit into this approach. (V and VI are a general outline of your marketing plan.)
I. Summary:
1. Objectives
2. Description of the business
3. Products and Production
4. Marketing Strategy
5. Management
6. Finances
II. Company:
1. Ownership
2. Location and facilities
3. History
4. Goals and milestones
III. Products:
1. Description
2. Features and comparison
3. Research and development
IV. Production Plan:
1. Labor
2. Suppliers
3. Equipment
4. Property and facilities
5. Subcontractors
6. Manufacturing costs
V. Market Research and Analysis:
1. Target market
2. Market survey
3. Industry analysis
4. Competition
VI. Marketing Strategy:
1. Sales and distribution
2. Advertising and public relations
3. Positioning
4. Pricing
5. Strategic alliances
VII. Management strategy:
1. Description of management team
2. Remuneration
3. Shareholders
4. Consultants
VIII. Financial Strategy:
1. Reason for financing
2. Sources of financing
3. Financial package
D. Time line
IX. Budget strategy:
X. Supporting Documents:
How to create a Marketing Plan?

If you wonder if there are ways to make your marketing efforts more efficient, ask yourself these questions:
• Do you have a complete view of your customers and have you identified the best prospects based on this view?
• Is your customer information dispersed among e-mail messages, documents and databases?
• Do you need sophisticated marketing materials, yet you can't afford a professional printer?
• Do your sales representatives have a process for following up on sales leads?
The information that follows highlights basic sales and marketing practices that can help you develop a tactical marketing plan and sales process that works for your business.
Create a Marketing Plan
A good marketing plan can shape the way you connect to your existing customers and attract new ones. It can also help you determine the types of customers you should target, how to reach them and how to track the results so you learn what works to increase business.
If you don't have a marketing plan, creating one is not difficult. A successful marketing plan doesn't have to be complex or lengthy, but should contain enough information to help you establish, direct and coordinate your marketing efforts.
To help you through the process, we've identified five steps to follow. These encompass information gathering before you write your marketing plan, the drafting of the plan itself, and updating the plan after you've created it. Along the way we use Margie's Travel, a new 25-person travel service company, as an example.
Step 1: Position your product or services
To start your plan, keep in mind the four "Ps" of marketing: product, price, promotion and place. Your goal is to put the right product or service in front of the right customers, at the right price and at the right time and place. A good way to get started is to answer some basic questions about your business. The following scenario for Step 1 is based on the marketing plan used by Margie's Travel.
• Who are you selling to?
Margie's Travel provides personal travel services to busy working professionals. Based on collected data, the typical clients are homeowners between the ages of 35 and 55, with yearly incomes of more than US$100,000.
• What do those customers need?
The target market for Margie's Travel is affluent working couples with children who want travel plans customized for a family. The company's goal is to provide convenient, unique and relaxing travel experiences appropriate to each family.
• What distinguishes your product or service from the competition?
Margie's Travel has a competitive advantage in its ability to accommodate families with children of all ages, from putting together fun and entertaining travel packages to making special accommodation travel plans with short or extended notice, flying domestically or internationally. Margie's Travel also has the advantage of being a home-based business that requires lower overhead and start-up costs than a traditional travel service business.
• Are there marketing tactics that work best for your business?
Research indicates that the most effective advertising tool for a service like Margie's Travel is small display ads in local papers, such as a weekly community newspaper with a paid subscription base of 5,000 to 40,000 readers. Margie's Travel also places ads in the local boating community newsletter, and sends brochures to larger businesses.
By answering these key questions about your business, you can develop a solid foundation on which to build your marketing plan.
Step 2: Ask for input from trusted advisers
To ensure that you have a clear sense of your own business, it is a valuable practice to gather information from those around you. Set up meetings with trusted friends, staff, advisers and peers, and ask for their input on the following:
• Who is your business selling to?
• What do your customers need?
• What distinguishes your products or services from the competition?
• When and how often should you employ marketing efforts?
• Where should your company be one year from now?
Getting feedback on these aspects of your business can help you prepare your marketing strategy as well as create targeted materials.
Step 3: Ask for input from customers and prospective customers
To successfully market to customers, you need to learn how they react to your product, pricing, brand or service — anything related to your business. Ask several of your current and prospective customers what they think about your business, products and services, potential to sell to them, and competitors. You can ask them by e-mail, telephone or marketing postcards. Incentives, such as discounts or samples, can encourage feedback.
Step 4: Draft your plan
Now that you have feedback and an outline, you can draft your marketing plan. Start by summarizing your market position and goals, and define what you expect to accomplish in a specific time period.
A typical marketing plan might be organized in the following way:
• Market Summary
• Competitive Landscape
• Product Comparison and Positioning
• Communication Strategies
• Launch Strategies
• Packaging and Fulfillment
• Success Metrics
• Marketing Schedule
With a marketing plan in place, you have a structure you can use to help keep your business on track.
Step 5: Track your results, update your plan
Reviewing your plan every six months helps you determine whether it is producing the results you need. You can easily track your progress with a spreadsheet, where you can also calculate your marketing costs and compare them with sales and other metrics.
You should also update your plan regularly to respond to changing market conditions.
Key Word to Write a Business Plan!

* Products and/or Services and your Unique Selling Proposition
* Pricing Strategy
* Sales/Distribution Plan
* Advertising and Promotions Plan
The easiest way to develop your marketing plan is to work through each of these sections, referring to the market research you completed when you were writing the previous sections of the business plan.
(Note that if you are developing a marketing plan on its own, rather than as part of a business plan, the marketing plan will also need to include a Target Market and a Competitive Analysis section. You can find out how to do these sections of the marketing plan in "Writing The Market Analysis Section of The Business Plan" and "Writing The Competitive Analysis Section".)
Do you have a Business plan?

Passport to borrow from financial institutions or venture into business. Venture Capital or Venture Capital. True business plan to what Amy SMEs than expected.
Days prior to the co-author of the training activities of the Institute of Business Plan and Medium-sized Enterprises at Thammasat Rangsit. And try to talk with Amy several SMEs. Have the opportunity to exchange ideas and experience with multiple operators. Has realized that. Benefits of a business plan that entrepreneurs are also aware of the limit and unable to adjust to the benefit to cost effectively as they should.
Today is for many top view perspective should not overlook the following:
1. A business plan is finalized ideas. Edge map as a leading official business. A. Many SMEs have a good idea. But do not know how to start a business. To convert the idea to do business or not. You can find answers from this business plan. By bringing these ideas to sort cent. Plain prospects. Opportunities and obstacles. Operators face in the real business. Combined with the strengths and weaknesses of the male experience of self-assembly. To lead to different strategies. To access the targeted customers. Business plan will enable operators to know that. You should go to plan or keep it permanently keep folding tray insert always try to think that a land you pretty good location in the heart of the city. Near the leading private universities. You wish to build a dormitory for students to rent. But you still lack experience in business. And know how to start. They may begin to study business opportunities. Data from the data of prospects. That demand for housing much. How behavior. What obstacles have strengths and weaknesses of what operators. Through the marketing plan to create marketing strategies to reach those customers. As well as the various figures and any assumptions. Create financial plan to consider the investment worthwhile, or do not cover. What is the point of payback.
2. Business plan help in the control areas. The business plan. Plan that will include sub-plans, marketing plans, production plans, including money management plan when operators business plan was completed. Such plans can be compared to the actual events that occurred. To assess performance. Is like as a barometer of management areas. A to SMEs. That is what we point to overlook. And what points need to be, and more.
3. Testamentary business is like a business plan to deliver to children. Delivery business, passed on from one generation to another is. Can start by providing your children learn from working in real organizations. But one way to help businesses heirs learn your business in a short period of time than is the business plan to offer you. Heir business can learn from the short business plan. A review of ideas in the business of heir. As well as view the business operators were full. Without significant time to learn to work at other departments. When looking heir to a more comprehensive picture. Images can be. To each other like picture puzzles Law. And the business plan as an intermediary in the talks discussed with operators who are fathers. The concept, which can transfer to heirs more. Including teaching strategies. In business through the business plan as an intermediary.
4. Business plan is a tool to analyze the lending or venture capital. Business plan will help enable financial institutions or venture capital business. Can understand the business of the S. E. M.. That have come to do. Future will continue to whither. Have the ability or potential profit growth in how much. Have the ability to repay loans or not. Return on investment is how. Appropriate to the venture, or lending or not.
5. Learning is a business plan draft machine businesses. To compete in the business field. In field operations. To get to know us is important. Business plan will enable us to study the competition of perspectives. And the images. The interaction of competition measured to reflect the impact on business. To build image ideas clearly. Preparation for the next strategic move. The business plan is often a simulated events. That may occur in real situations (Sensitivity Analysis) as competitors reduced price. Or special promotion. Or new products come out to vie for market, or if new competitors into the industry that we operate so we will have strategies to respond and interact in various situations. Them how.
For example, in the case. If the land next. Apartments are up to live. To sell to some students. We should protect our market approach to how the operator strategy and a backup plan in advance to interact competitors. Or respond to various situations. Changed instantly. A good business plan. Operators must make their own. To come to know that. And when to modify or amend it later. They can do their own players without difficulty. Important learning concepts in the work of the business plan. Business plan that will benefit cost is guide to the business. The experts may have to help advise on the plan time. Organized courses in business plan to the operator. Many institutions will use to access passenger operators lecture. When the course is to write their business plan. The majority of operators are often installed on various issues. Especially in conversion ideas. And figure out a strategy. The author did not know how to start. What should be written. Information industry conditions. Be available from anywhere.
From observations of the author. Writing a good map. Identification must be made by operators themselves. The experts may have to write a plan forward articulate mentor. Advice on writing a business plan to face. Apart from the additional new insights. Operators may be to overlook. Views from experts to help close vulnerabilities added strength in business of operators. Monitor a business plan consultant. Should have experience in same or similar business operators. Make the best ideas more comprehensive. To build realistic business plan to the Book of business operators continue.
However, the business plan is a paper sheet. Having a good business plan does not guarantee the success of the business. Business plan will help enable operators to see a picture of the business all over. Good business plan must be practical. To modify the factors and the changing environment and to control risk factors that must be faced to find ways to manage or reduce such risks. With a lot of useful business plan.
Continue to ask questions that today's entrepreneurs and business plans, or if the answer is to want to encourage you made a release. To add perspective to the business try to contact several institutions that offered a business plan or institutions to small and medium-sized enterprises.
Stages of Strategic Management

2. Developing vision and mission
3. Identifying an organization’s external opportunities & threats
4. Determining internal strengths and weaknesses
5. Establishing long-term objectives
6. Generating alternative strategies
7. Choosing particular strategies to pursue.
The Nature of Strategic Management

* To Define “Business Planning” or “Strategic Management.”
* To understand 3 stages of strategic management & its benefits.
The term “Strategic Management” is often used in academia, whereas “Strategic Planning” is often used in the business world. In some colleges and universities, “Strategic Management” is a subtitle of “Business Policy” course.
The Definition of Strategic Management or Business Planning.
Strategic management can be defined as the art and science of formulating, implementing, and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its objectives.
How To Push "Graphic Design Business" To Success

One of the first things I recommend to help develop skills and learn tricks that you would never learn in school is to get an internship. I got my first taste of graphic design in high school and by my senior year I was working as an intern for a small graphic design firm and also a print shop.
I took an active role in my job to learn as much as possible by asking lots of questions to the senior creative director and also to the head print shop pressman. My skills and thirst for design blossomed from there. I majored in graphic design in college and had landed a very high profile graphic design internship and was taught a vast amount of tricks of the trade by highly skilled designers.
Read, Read Read!
The next thing I would recommend is to read. Read as many books as you can find on graphic design and soak up as much of the industry as you can from the people who know it best. A friend of mine always says that the only thing that makes you stand out from your competition is the knowledge you gain from the books that you read. I am a visual learner, so for me I like to collect books that are informational as well as provide examples. I use design books as inspiration for a lot of the graphic design work that I do.
Having confidence in your ability and being able to apply that to your business is essential to your business success. When I first started my business, I was nervous, but confident in my ability to run my business with class. I plunged right in with both feet by developing a business plan, company name, web site and logo. Once I had the logistics in place I began the tedious task of marketing. Marketing is the hardest part of owning a small business and takes immense amounts of confidence and strength of character to do well, but if done effectively it will catapult your business to success.
Sell, sell, sell.
Building a successful graphic design business is all about selling and marketing yourself. You can never stop selling, no matter how busy you are, you have to keep marketing in the forefront of your mind. Every person you meet is a possible client. Every contact you make has a sphere of influence that might need your services, and every vendor you work with might know someone who needs your help.
Some practical ways I have marketed my business is by: joining my local Chamber of Commerce, building a strong web site that is correctly optimized, adding numerous reciprocal links to my web site, handing out business cards that function as a mini brochure, joining a leads group, joining special interest clubs, attending business expo’s and conventions, and networking with other business professionals.
The key to marketing your business effectively is to become well known in your community by attending any and all networking opportunities you have. Marketing is all about building relationships with others and then capitalizing on the opportunity to sell your graphic design services.
Customer Service
Customer service is key to your success. The clients you gain and the customer service they receive from you is imperative to your success. I’ve learned from my clients that they appreciate a quick response from me all the time. I recommend that you be available to your clients by email, phone and fax at all times.
I make a special effort to respond via email to my clients within 2 hours 6 days a week. I try to return phone calls even sooner if at all possible, even if it’s only to say that you received their call and will get back to them a little later. Every client has a sphere of influence and their referral will be dependant on the customer service they receive from you at all times.
A prompt response is a good indication of solid design work and will give your client confidence in your services. If your client has a pleasurable experience with you they will happily refer you on to all the people around them. In the beginning, referrals are the quickest way to build your business on solid ground and with minimal costs.
Minimize Costs As Much As You Can
The last thing I’d recommend is to keep your costs to a minimum as much as you can. I’ve built my business by starting out working from my home. The great thing about graphic design is the ability to do the job from the comfort of your home and this is a great way to minimize costs.
Operate on a debt free basis, paying for all your business expenses with cash. You can still use older versions of software to build solid designs without your clients ever knowing the difference, and without the constant cost of upgrading. While you are working from home, plan to meet with your clients at a local coffee shop or their place of business.
Send design proofs via email instead of printing them out on costly paper. In fact most of my business operates over email. I send invoices, proofs, contracts, and estimates via email so I don’t have to pay for the paper, ink, envelopes, and postage. There are a lot of corners you can cut in order to save money.
I hope this article has helped by giving you some practical ideas on how to build a successful graphic design business with minimal costs.
Strategy Implementation and Evaluation

Developing a strategy-supportive culture
* Creating an effective organizational structure
* Redirecting marketing efforts
* Preparing budgets
* Developing and utilizing information systems
* Linking employees compensation to organizational performance.
Strategy EvaluationReviewing external and internal factors that are the bases for current strategies
* Measuring performance
* Taking corrective actions.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Five Tips For Making Money

Day trading is beneficial to people who want to trade forex, but have time restraints that limit when they can trade. Although it is possible to get round this problem by using a trading robot, like the Forex Megadroid Robot, it is not always the best solution for everyone. One advantage of the forex markets is that they are open 24 hours Monday through Friday, so you can hold down a job and trade in the evenings. Once a successful system is found, many traders will go full time. The fast and furious atmosphere of forex trading provides a big rush, and although it is risky, there is the potential to make a lot of money very fast.
Of course you cannot just jump in and make tons of money. You will need to know something about currency trading and have a profitable system that tells you when to open a trade, when to close it and how much profit to aim for.
Here are our top 5 tips to help you make the most from day trading foreign currency.
1. Choose your broker carefully.
Some brokers do not like day trading and will close your account if you make money this way. Others are fine with it. Check this out before you open an account to save yourself a lot of time and frustration.
2. Start with a demo account.
Most brokers will provide a free demo account and you should start implementing your system with this. It will also help you to become familiarised with their trading platform, as well as ensuring your system works before trading with real money.
3. Plan your trading time.
It is not possible to simply log into your trading account and jump on a trade straight away, it could take hours before a good trade comes up. Make sure you won't have any interruptions during your trading period so you can concentrate. Keep on top of any news or events that might effect the market. There may be an important financial report released while you are trading. A report being released when you did not expect it can lead to disaster!
4. Improve your analytical skills.
Because the forex market is so volatile, you will be faced will ever changing charts that you will need to interpret correctly. You do not need to be a math genius because most of the calculations are done by the software. You just need to understand what you are seeing and make confident decisions based on the data.
5. Stay level headed.
All forex trading relies on maintaining calm judgment, without being swayed by our hopes and fears. The fast pace of day trading makes this even more important. You must be able to apply your system patiently and consistently without being carried away by greed or panic. Again, a tool like the Forex Megadroid download can eliminate the emotional factor, should you go down the automated trading route.
Forex trading is a risky business, and all traders experience losses sometimes. Ensure your system is a tired and tested one, and take heed of these tips if you want to become a successful forex trader.
Forex Trading Brokers - Selecting One That Benefits You
There are several things to take into account when choosing a forex broker. Here are some of the most important points to consider:
1. Reliability
Not all brokers are trustworthy, and finding one that is isn't that simple. Because the forex markets spans the entire globe, there is no universal regulatory body, so some brokers are unregulated. Find out where a broker is located and what local associations they are members of. In the US brokers are regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CTFC) and/or the National Futures Association (NFA). Other countries have other associations.
Go to online forums and search for the name of a broker, to see if people have had problems with them. It is always best to find several different opinions, as just one person may have reasons to be biased. That person may have personal or financial reasons for praising or criticizing a broker.
2. Services provided
Because the forex markets operate 24 hours a day on weekdays, make sure the bokers service is available all through this time. You may also want to check if they have 24 hour customer support Monday through Friday.
Check that they cover all of the major currency pairs, that is USD against EUR, JPY, GBP, CHF, CAD, AUD. The should also allow some currency pairs that do not involve the USD, such as GBP/EUR.
All brokers will offer charts and technical analysis. Check that these meet your needs. You should also make sure that they execute orders immediately, and that you will get the price displayed at the time.
3. Charges
Forex trading brokers generally do not charge a fee or commission. Instead they make money from the spread, which is the difference between the bid and ask prices of a currency pair. Spread is usually in the range of 1-3 pips, depending on the broker and the currency pair, but it can vary at times of volatility. The size of the spread can make a big difference to whether you make profits in the long term.
4. Minimum account and lot size
Brokers usually have a minimum investment for your account. Some brokers only offer standard accounts where the minimum investment could be $10,000 or more. Mini forex trading accounts have a much lower minimum account balance, often$250-$1,000. These are better for almost all beginners.
5. Leverage
Leverage is the factor that determines how much you can control with the money that is in your account. You can often control a lot that is up to 100 times the money that you actually put in, with your broker covering the rest. There are brokers that will allow control over even greater amounts, but be careful because this does increase the risk factor.
Whether a broker will allow you to trade with a robot such as the Megadroid Forex robot is another point you may want to consider. However, the above 5 points are the main factors to take into account when selecting a forex trading broker.
Seven Strategies of Increasing Portfolio Performance with Managed Forex Funds

The ascent of managed forex funds commenced around 6 years ago. Investors were worn-out of losing money on the stock market, and were actively seeking out an asset class which would make a profit in good times, and also when the economy was suffering. Many people invested in real estate, buying up properties with cheap credit. However, when the real estate bubble burst, many people lost everything, and the image of real estate as a safe investment, was tarnished forever.
But the forex funds business had fantastic returns in this period. Forex investments out-performed all other investments during this period. The main reason for this is that an investment in the currency market is totally uncorrelated to any other asset class. What this means is that there is no connection between the performance of the stock market, with that of currencies.
A prudent investor will diversify his portfolio to maximize his investment returns. Whilst the experts may disagree on the exact way to do this, all agree that a balanced and broad portfolio, containing investments in many separate asset classes, is key to obtaining the best returns. A managed forex fund can therefore be seen to be a perfect addition to a mixed investment portfolio.
OK, but what are the disadvantages of a managed forex fund? The central difficulty is to avoid managed forex funds run by dishonest fund managers. This has primarily been driven by the internet - all a manager need to do is to set up a website, and offer his services.. So, therefore, prudent research is first essential.. This includes carrying out research on the manager, seeing account statements, and checking where the manager is based, to check that he is real, and not fraudulent.
So what are the returns on managed forex funds? Well, the returns depend on a variety of factors, such as leverage, strategy, the manager himself, and the market conditions. The majority of forex funds have a return of between 10% and 60% per year, but this will vary from manager to manager, and also from year to year.
Some funds take a more conservative approach to trading, using very little leverage, and targeting lower returns, around 10% to 15% per annum. This may not sound a lot, but if they are not taking big risks, then you do not take a risk to lose all or a lot of you investment. Another option is to choose a more risky strategy, where the return could be 60%, 70% or even more, per year. But You risk losing a lot aswell! The key is to find a strategy and managed fore fund which matches your risk levels.A lot depends on how much leverage the fund manager of the managed forex fund uses.
It goes without saying that the more leverage that a manager uses, the higher the risk, and the higher the potential gains on the fund. What some people fail to understand, is that leverage is the main reason that most currency traders, and for that matter, most forex managers, fail, and blow up their accounts. Managed forex funds are no different. The fund is reliant on the manager, and the more leverage he or she uses, the bigger the risks involved.
So, therefore, it can be seen that managed forex funds are better in a number of ways compared to other investments. Yet, investors must still have to execute in depth research into what variety of managed forex fund suits their investment style. There are an infinite quantity of managed forex funds on the market today, and investors different investment ambitions. Researched well, a forex investment can be very valuable for investors.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Resources for Freelancers

Some people choose to freelance part-time as supplementary income, while others choose to do it full-time. Regardless of your reason for freelancing, you will need resources to be successful. Freelancers face obstacles such as how to get clients and tax preparation. Let us take a look at some freelance resources that can help a freelancer succeed in today's market place.
Google along with their many applications is one resource that can help a freelancer to succeed. They offer everything from email to Google voice. Google voice is a free service that allows you to use one telephone number to consolidate all your calls. It is a great solution, and you will never have to miss a business call again.
Sometimes you will need to send a fax as a freelancer. You don't need to purchase a fax machine or run down to your local print shop. One of your best freelance resources is Fax Zero. They are a company that offers you a free fax service that you can use to send documents to companies and clients that need a signed document. This service is no doubt an important one to many freelancers. How many times has a freelancer had to take time out their busy day to run to a print shop to send a fax? It's simply not worth the trouble when you have a service like Fax Zero.
Now Google is one of the best freelance resources, but Zoho may be just a bit better at the current moment. They offer services that Google does not offer yet. These include online invoicing, project management software and presentation software just to name a few. Their services are not free, but they are very affordable at only $12 a month. For everything they offer a freelancer, that is a fair price. Zoho also offers you a customizable wiki when you sign up for their services. That tool can be a very useful feature for your business purposes.
Let us not forget about taxes. For many that decide to become freelancers taxes can be quite confusing. There is nothing like a helpful resource to help you put all of it together. TurboTax offers free calculators that you can use to get a better understanding of your tax situation. It will give you an idea of how much of your money that you earn needs to be set aside for tax purposes. You don't want tax time to roll around and all of a sudden realize you haven't been saving the money that you owe in taxes. With the free calculator that TurboTax offers, you can make sure that you are more than prepared to file your taxes as a freelancer.
There you have it-some great resources to help you on your journey. A lot of people decide to start freelancing but end up spinning their wheels due to lack of resources and help. They may have the right talent but lack the guidance needed to succeed. With proper resources you can avoid a lot of problems that hold many freelancers back. You have answers before you even think of the questions. You also have tools to make your business much more efficient. There is no reason that anybody serious about getting ahead wouldn't use these resources.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Getting Started in Stock Market Trading

Beginners guidelines:
Many people have thought of stock trading a few times in their lives but they just don't know how to start. Many people think stock market trading is easy because you just need to make a phone call and meet some people and talk to some high profile firms. It is all about presentation they think. But, it's important that you have the know how to say the right thing at the right time.
The basic types of stocks:
If you are seriously considering equities trading as a career, one of the most important things that you need to know is the types of stocks you will use in trading. There are two types of stocks available, they are common stock and preferred stock.
The type of stock that most people hold is called "common stock" where the trader represents the majority of stock and they reserve the rights when it comes to voting people in the management, and also calls the shots when it comes to share of dividends. Another type is called "preferred stock". Basically, it is the same with common stock except the traders have lesser rights. But the good thing about preferred stocks is that the traders do not share in dividends, thus, making companies have more freedom in deciding the trend of the income from dividends.
If you are beginning trading, it would be best to look for companies that have larger profits on their preferred stocks because it means that they earn bigger dividends. This can give you a bigger return on your investment.
You should know what that term "trading stocks" mean. This is the most basic thing you need to know if you are just starting in equities market. You must understand what a stock is, what does stock or equities mean, and how trading will affect your overall financial success.
What are stocks?
Stocks refer to a unit of ownership you have in a company. Trading, on the other hand, is the simplest way of saying buying and selling a share of a company or a financial tool that is used stock trading. These two are very important when you start stock market trading.
It is also very important to understand the various methods of trading stocks. Experts often say that a beginner in the stock market doesn't really have to have in-depth knowledge of the details of how one buys and sells stocks. The most important thing is that the new trader learns the importance of knowing the basics so they would know how to execute the various stock trading strategies.
The Beginners Guide To the Stock Market

The Stock Exchanges
The stock market is like a giant superstore, where people buy and sell stocks. The exchanges bring the buyers and sellers together.
In the U.S. the exchanges are the NASDAQ, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), all of the ECNs (electronic communication networks) and regional exchanges like the American Stock Exchange and the Pacific Stock Exchange.
Previously all trading was done in the traditional exchanges like the NYSE and the like, but now, almost all of the trading is done through the NASDAQ which uses ECNs and thousands of firms with access to the NASDAQ for trading.
Electronic buy-and-sell
This is how a stock market transactions are done today. The first thing you do is to open an account with, E*Trade by sending E*Trade say $1,000 check. E*Trade will then deposits the check into a trading account under your name.
You then log on to E*Trade and place an order to buy shares of stock in a Company. (The stock is currently trading at say $5.) E*Trade uses its networks to tell NASDAQ and all its related networks that there is a demand for shares of that Company..
NASDAQ will then find someone who is willing to sell the shares of Company selecte and instantly trades the stocks between you and the person who wants to sell the shares.
The information is sent to a clearinghouse where it is processed and the shares will now be registered in your name, that being done you now own the shares. The actual stock certificates are held "in street names" and do not need to change hands, although you can request that the certificates be transferred in your name if desired.
How stocks are valued
Stocks are valued in two ways. The first is created using some type of cash flow, fundamental earnings analysis or sales.
The most common way is the P/E ratio (Price to Earnings Ratio) of the company. This valuation method is based on historic ratios and statistics. The aim is to assign value to a stock based on a measurable attribute. The form usually drives long-term stock prices.
Supply and demand of the stock
The other valuation is how much the investors is willing to sell them for. Both of these values changes as investors change the way they analyze the stocks. The stocks are valued based on supply and demand.
If more people want to buy the stocks, the price will rise. Or the more people that want to sell the stocks, the price will fall.
Market forces The market is really driven by simple human emotions of greed and fear. In times of prosperity, the market usually rises above its real earnings.
In hard times, or political uncertainties and other negative factors, the stock market often performs worse than its underlying fundamentals. In the long term, the stock market is driven by several underlying economic, financial and global growth.
How To Invest in Gold

The causes investors are concerned about gold is that the old reasoning was that if ever the share market was low the gold market was normally up. This concept have turn out to become a chance, but not the axiom of present market. The failure in dollar value normally brings a increase in price of gold. The latest rate for gold is almost in the range of $1,200. Experts believe gold might undoubtedly increase as high as $1,500 an ounce.
Purchasing gold stocks plus precious metal index funds are usually ordered via a stock broker. A stock broker having familiarity on this matter is key for the reason that the investment requires confident investment tip. Many of the bigger brokerage companies has those who are skilled in the topic of commodities & precious metal stocks.
There are specific international gold stocks which are significant. A Canadian based global participant in gold market is Agnico-Eagle Mines. This Agnico-Eagle Mines trades at the New York Stock Exchange and also the Toronto Stock Exchange using the stock ticker AEM. The stock is as well sold at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. This firm have just above a thirty year record in producing gold. From 1970s AEM has mined more than four million ounces of gold. The corporation is mutinational and also has operations in Canada, USA, Mexico, Sweden as well as Finland.
Other significant gold stocks comprises; Barrick Gold Corp, Goldcorp Inc., Kinross Gold Corp., & Newmont Mining. Each and every one of these gold stocks are at this time trading positive, however its recommended to all traders to verify these stocks go well with your investment risk potential.
In current time the rate of gold has touched $1,249 an ounce. From late 1970s Investors made huge profits from gold Investment. The important factor to having gold is to be familiar with the different resistance factors as well to determine the global market for usage of gold. It can be required primarily in ornaments making along with other sorts of manufacturing. At present in India there's a minor slow down of the use of gold meant for jewelry making. The same applies to some extent in China. Regardless of whether it really is enough of an slow down to make the value of gold is uncertain.
People who buy and sell gold be supposed to search for the tip of an analyst which could impact in all of the different factors which changes the rate of gold. If you decide you purchase gold as being a hedge in contrast to a weak dollar make sure you check out any rise of the dollar. The important factor to remember would be to measure your investment in gold to some level that you're secure. In case you bought gold at $1,100 an ounce, you would possibly think an increase to $1,250 a great return. The ride to $1,500 an ounce could possibly be uncomfortable and there's nobody telling when it's going to get in touch with that level in case it will as speculators has gambled.
There's lots of gold mining stocks that you can purchase in case you've got an interest for a small investment you'll find these stocks within the $5 to $12 limit The smaller gold mining stocks will carry a risk as a lot of overhead goes into developing a mining company profitable.
The limit of risk as well as quantity you choose to purchase gold can be an personal preference. Its always highly recommended to find the professional advise of the stock specialist or commodity specialist prior to leaping into this market. One more wise piece of advise I educated is always to depend on my logic of making profits prior to the value of gold drops a lot as a consequence of external pressures and manipulations.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Make Money From Trading Forex

If so, you'll be excited to hear about the next big thing in Forex, Forex Megadroid. Megadroid is a forex expert advisor, designed for the MT4 trading platform. It's also a scalper, meaning it makes regular trades - so you'll always be in the market. Secondly, Megadroid has an extremely high strike rate - a 95.82% ratio to be exact.
But this robot isn't just super accurate - its also state of the art and super profitable. In fact, its proven via backtests to generate a 2,681.70% profit in just over a year.
Since its a robot, you won't be making the trades yourself - its all automated. And the really good news is that Forex Megadroid is simple to install, and comes with a complete instruction guide. Whether you're a forex veteran or newbie trader, you'll be up and running within minutes.
But Megadroid won't be around forever. In fact, the developer is limiting sales of this incredible bot. So I highly recommend you take action now, while this super profitable, highly accurate robot is still on the market.
"2 Professional Minds Can Produce What 1,001 Unprofessional Minds Can't"
Average products are the result of average people...
Great products are the result of experience, thought, and long term dedication.
Some people learn this the hard way, some are intelligent enough to recognize good from bad... or, GREAT from bad.
If you took the time to view our video you damn well know what I am talking about. You know that experience, ESPECIALLY in Forex trading, is a vital element in advanced robot design.
I suppose that's the difference between those who succeed in what they do and those who don't: knowing the difference.
38 years of combined Forex trading experience have borne fruits... it has proven that outstanding frontier-breaking concepts can establish new standards... new records.
The 2 of us have paid the right price for the right knowledge... and both you and I know that bottom line, it's all about knowledge. There is no way around it, perfection comes from knowledge.
Buying A Home - Does It Pay To Purchase A Home For Only A Few Years?

However, let's explore the disadvantages of delaying the purchase of your home. Each year you delay buying a property, you lose thousands of dollars in tax deductions. Plus, if home prices, loan rates, or both increase significantly, you won't be able to afford entering the home market. As months pass by, you could be missing out on the ability to build tens of thousands in home equity. While there's always a risk to purchasing property for the short term. The ramifications of throwing away thousands of dollars in lost equity overshadow the risks of buying a home short term.
If you think you'll have to move after several years, try researching how you can purchase one to turn a profit in a short period of time. Some ambitious homebuyers have created significant wealth by owning several properties in a short time span. One advice you should take to heart is real estate can always be a good investment,-providing you purchase one wisely.
Despite the fact local real estate conditions and interest rates constantly fluctuate; sharp homebuyers continue to reap profits by flipping the right properties. If you have the talent for redecorating and repairing a home, you can significantly raise the resale value of a home. If remodeling work isn't your cup of tea, you can also locate a handy person to do it for low cost.
While purchasing homes in need of repair can be rewarding, there are several other effective ways to make money from real estate. Some homebuyers make money upfront by searching out homes for sale at bargain prices. You can locate these bargain properties by searching for distressed sellers, houses going through probate, foreclosures, and properties returned to the bank (also called real estate owned) after a borrower fails to pay their mortgage payments.
One terrific strategy to leverage the short term home buying concept is through a lease-option. As you rent with the option to buy, you'll have the opportunity to build stronger credit, set aside cash (via rent credits) towards a down payment, and prevent the sales price of the home you want to buy from escalating in a future hot market.
One additional benefit to using a lease option is the opportunity to walk away from buying a property (if home prices escalate) and locate another buyer willing to pay you for the option. The new buyer would benefit from your accumulation of rent credits and the opportunity to buy a home for less-than-market price.
What Consumer Behavior means to You?

Understanding about Consumer Behavior can help firms and organizations improve their marketing strategies by understanding issues such as how:
* The psychology of how consumers think, feel, reason, and select between different alternatives (e.g., brands, products);
* The psychology of how the consumer is influenced by his or her environment (e.g., culture, family, signs, media);
* The behavior of consumers while shopping or making other marketing decisions;
* Limitations in consumer knowledge or information processing abilities influence decisions and marketing outcome;
* How consumer motivation and decision strategies differ between products that differ in their level of importance or interest that they entail for the consumer; and
* How marketers can adapt and improve their marketing campaigns and marketing strategies to more effectively reach the consumer.
One "official" definition of consumer behavior is "The study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society." Although it is not necessary to memorize this definition, it brings up some useful points:
* Behavior occurs either for the individual, or in the context of a group (e.g., friends influence what kinds of clothes a person wears) or an organization (people on the job make decisions as to which products the firm should use).
* Consumer behavior involves the use and disposal of products as well as the study of how they are purchased. Product use is often of great interest to the marketer, because this may influence how a product is best positioned or how we can encourage increased consumption. Since many environmental problems result from product disposal (e.g., motor oil being sent into sewage systems to save the recycling fee, or garbage piling up at landfills) this is also an area of interest.
* Consumer behavior involves services and ideas as well as tangible products.
* The impact of consumer behavior on society is also of relevance. For example, aggressive marketing of high fat foods, or aggressive marketing of easy credit, may have serious repercussions for the national health and economy.
Consumer Research Methods

There are two main approaches to marketing. Secondary research involves using information that others have already put together. For example, if you are thinking about starting a business making clothes for tall people, you don’t need to question people about how tall they are to find out how many tall people exist—that information has already been published by the U.S. Government. Primary research, in contrast, is research that you design and conduct yourself. For example, you may need to find out whether consumers would prefer that your soft drinks be sweater or tarter.
Research will often help us reduce risks associated with a new product, but it cannot take the risk away entirely. It is also important to ascertain whether the research has been complete. For example, Coca Cola did a great deal of research prior to releasing the New Coke, and consumers seemed to prefer the taste. However, consumers were not prepared to have this drink replace traditional Coke.
How to Define Your Customers mean?

- Don't make the mistake of marketing your product or service before you've defined your customer or client. If you do, you're just throwing your marketing money away.
- Marketing is not just a matter of placing ads. It's a method of attracting new business. Before you can hope to achieve this, you have to know exactly who you want to target with your marketing. You need to know your target market before you can reach them.
- What's the point, for instance, in buying an advertising spot on TV if you're trying to sell whitewater rafting adventures? Are these sorts of people really going to be sitting in front of the tube?
- Define your customer by getting to know everything you possibly can about him or her. Think carefully about your product or service. Exactly who would want to purchase it? How old is this person? What is her marital status? Where does she live? How does she like to spend her spare time? What are her hobbies? What other products does she buy? Where does she go on vacation?
- You need to develop your target market as specifically as possible if you're going to market your product or service effectively. So think of your "ideal" client or customer as a person. Visualize him or her in detail. "See" what he or she does, thinks, and wants.
- If you can't visualize this person clearly and distinctly, then you need to research your potential customer or client until you can. Because until you can define your target market, you won't be able to make the decisions that need to be made about marketing, such as how, where, and when to advertise.
Forex Technical Analysis

The Trend is Your Friend
Forex technical analysis is largely based around forex market movement trends, thus creating the widely used phrase ’the trend is your friend’ amongst traders. Buying and selling at the right time is the key in maintaining good levels of profits, following a trend is also about knowing where to entry a trade and more importantly where to exit.
Support and Resistance
Support and resistance is the basic of forex technical analysis. Support and resistance levels are points where a chart experiences recurring upward or downward pressure. A support level is usually the low point in any chart pattern (hourly, weekly or annually), whereas a resistance level is the high or the peak point of the pattern. Buying and selling at the support and resistance points makes a greater profit margin as long as they remain unbroken.
History Tends To Repeat Itself
Another important idea in technical analysis is that history tends to repeat itself, mainly in terms of price movement. The repetitive nature of price movements is attributed to market psychology; in other words, market participants tend to provide a consistent reaction to similar market stimuli over time. Forex technical analysis uses chart patterns to analyze forex market movements and understand trends. Although many of these charts have been used for more than 30 years, they are still believed to be relevant because they illustrate patterns in price movements that often repeat themselves.

It stated that very human resources are a part of human being, but every human being cannot a part of human resource. Human resource, in demography, is defined as the total population of a country which is above 14 years and blew 64 years of age in a particular unit of time. In the literature of economics, human resource is defined as a unit of active manpower or labor force of the page above 14 years add below 64 years, having high level of education, skill ,knowledge, long experience, healthy physical condition and ration mental condition. In addition, active human resources are composed of those people who have the ability and willingness to work with high efficiency and productivity to produce goods and services.
8 Tips to Make Your Website Profitable

1. Your website's template and design should relevant to your site’ title and content. You wouldn't want to use a dog graphic header on an e-commerce website that sells cell phones.
2. Whenever you have added new articles and content to your site let your visitors know immediately. You can do this by alerting your visitors using email. This will increase the numbers of people revisiting your web site.
3. Let your visitors know about your email address or even telephone number on your website. This offers a way to visitors to contact you to ask for more information and assistant which will enable you to build good relationship with your visitors. And those who are in the same niches may contact you requesting for potential joint venture for making more money online.
4. Provide an option to your visitors to view your website offline. You can offer it by auto-responder or printer friendly version.
5. Make sure your web content is original and targeted to your audience to avoid being seen as spamming by search engines. Search engines are good sources of high quality targeted traffic to your website in long term. So you don’t want to be blacklisted by them. You don’t need to make your content 100% original, 60% original or higher is safe enough.
6. Give your visitors a good reason to come back to your site. You may try to give incentives to encourage them revisiting your site like providing free games, adding entertaining videos frequently, allowing free downloads such as ebooks and software that are useful to your visitors.
7. Customize you website in logical and profitable sequence. You don't want people to see your freebies before they learn about what products you are offering. Identify what actions you want people to take when they are visiting your website that will make you profitable and then organize your site accordingly to entice people to take that action. If you main purpose is to earn money with cost-per-click ads programs such as Adsense, YPN, etc; you’ll want your visitors to click on your CPC ads to earn money. So you’ll need to place your CPC ads in the areas that will be easily seen by people when they first landed on your home page.
8. If you’re selling products or services or offering something free to use on your website. Don’t forget to add a FAQs section on your website that will answer your visitors and users questions immediately. This will simply make your visitors more happier visiting your site or using your free service as they are getting immediate assistance reading your FAQs.
History of Forex Trading

In some economies, items such as teeth, feathers even stones served this purpose, but soon various metals, in particular gold and silver, established themselves as an accepted means of payment as well as a reliable storage of value.
Coins were initially minted from the preferred metal and in stable political regimes, the introduction of a paper form of governmental I.O.U. during the Middle Ages also gained acceptance. This type of I.O.U. was introduced more successfully through force than through persuasion and is now the basis of today’s modern currencies.
Before the first World war, most Central banks supported their currencies with convertibility to gold. Paper money could always be exchanged for gold. However, for this type of gold exchange, there was not necessarily a Centrals bank need for full coverage of the government's currency reserves. This did not occur very often, however when a group mindset fostered this disastrous notion of converting back to gold in mass, panic resulted in so-called "Run on banks " The combination of a greater supply of paper money without the gold to cover led to devastating inflation and resulting political instability.
In order to protect local national interests, increased foreign exchange controls were introduced to prevent market forces from punishing monetary irresponsibility.
Near the end of WWII, The Bretton Woods agreement was reached on the initiative of the USA in July 1944. The conference held in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire rejected John Maynard Keynes suggestion for a new world reserve currency in favor of a system built on the US Dollar. International institutions such as the IMF, The World Bank and GATT were created in the same period as the emerging victors of WWII searched for a way to avoid the destabilizing monetary crises leading to the war. The Bretton Woods agreement resulted in a system of fixed exchange rates that reinstated The Gold Standard partly, fixing the USD at $35.00 per ounce of Gold and fixing the other main currencies to the dollar, initially intended to be on a permanent basis.
The Bretton Woods system came under increasing pressure as national economies moved in different directions during the 1960’s. A number of realignments held the system alive for a long time but eventually Bretton Woods collapsed in the early 1970’s following president Nixon's suspension of the gold convertibility in August 1971. The dollar was not any longer suited as the sole international currency at a time when it was under severe pressure from increasing US budget and trade deficits.
The last few decades have seen foreign exchange trading develop into the worlds largest global market. Restrictions on capital flows have been removed in most countries, leaving the market forces free to adjust foreign exchange rates according to their perceived values.
In Europe, the idea of fixed exchange rates had by no means died. The European Economic Community introduced a new system of fixed exchange rates in 1979, the European Monetary System. This attempt to fix exchange rates met with near extinction in 1992-93, when built-up economic pressures forced devaluations of a number of weak European currencies. The quest continued in Europe for currency stability with the 1991 signing of The Maastricht treaty. This was to not only fix exchange rates but also actually replace many of them with the Euro in 2002.
Today, Europe has embraced the Euro in 12 participating countries. The physical introduction of the Euro on January 1, 2002 saw the old countries currencies made obsolete on July 1, 2002.
In Asia, the lack of sustainability of fixed foreign exchange rates has gained new relevance with the events in South East Asia in the latter part of 1997, where currency after currency was devalued against the US dollar, leaving other fixed exchange rates in particular in South America also looking very vulnerable.
While commercial companies have had to face a much more volatile currency environment in recent years, investors and financial institutions have discovered a new playground. The size of the FOREX market now dwarfs any other investment market.
It is estimated that more than USD1,200 Billion are traded every day, that is the same amount as almost 40 times the daily USD volume on the American NASDAQ market.
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